Heat Resistant Conveyor Belts

We are Manufacturer, Supplier and Exporter of Heat Resistant (HR), Super Heat Resistant (SHR), and Ultra Heat Resistant (UHR) Conveyor Belts and our setup is situated in Sahakar Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

We manufacture Heat Resistant (HR), Super heat resistant (SHR), and Ultra heat resistant (UHR) conveyor belts. HR Conveyor Belts are suitable for efficiently carrying high temperature material, such as heat coke, cement clinker, and heated casting. These conveyor belts can also be made resistant to oils and minerals, enabling it to be applied in various industries including sugar, chemical, food, and pharmaceuticals.

Ultra Heat Resistant Conveyor Belts are known for durability, high elongation and high capacity of heat resistance. They are extensively used in Foundries industries, chemical process industries and petrochemical industries.

Heat Resistant Conveyor Belts
Heat Resistant Conveyor Belts
Heat Resistant Conveyor Belts